Archfiends; Yu-Gi-Oh! Archetype Cards

You can find mostly in this Yu-Gi-Oh! card set: Dark Crisis

Archfiends are a special category of card. Most Archfiends can be easily identified by their name. Any card with "Archfiend" in the card name is an "Archfiend."

This archetype can find in the Dark Crisis and Dark Revelation booster pack, as a way to standardize the English translation of OCG card names containing "Demon" 「デーモン」. To avoid confusion, "Demon" is often spelled "Dæmon" or "Daemon", to show that the card is an Archfiend: some non-Archfiend cards have "Demon" spelled differently, and some monsters have Japanese names with "Demon" as a possible translation.

Some of the Archfiends are chess themed including Terrorking, Infernalqueen, Desrook, Imprisoned Queen Archfiend, Darkbishop, Shadowknight and Vilepawn Archfiend, all of whom are named after Chess pieces, and feature a chessboard pattern as their background. The support card "Checkmate" is named after the Checkmate, the final winning move in Chess.

Graphically, most of the Archfiend monsters place strong emphasis on bones and demonic features, often appearing as skeletal creatures wielding weapons of bone.

There was Terrorking Archfiend, Infernalqueen, Darkbishop,Shadowknight, Desrook and Vilepawn, respectively. This batch all pretty much required the use of a card called Pandemonium, the field card that lets the player use the Archfiends without paying life points, and even allow some Archfiends to be on the field (Archfiend General). All cards with Demon in their name in the original card game were retroactively classified as Archfiends in the English version. This caused problems, as no consistency of names had been established to replace Demon in the English version, so many cards without Archfiend in their name were classified as Archfiends. In Yu-Gi-Oh GX, a shadow duelist named Titan used an archfiend-oriented deck.

Main Article: Yu-Gi-Oh! Archetypes cards