Blackwing; Yu-Gi-Oh! Archetype Cards

You can find it in this Yu-Gi-Oh! card set:
  • Crimson Crisis
  • Raging Battle
  • Ancient Prophecy
  • Stardust Overdrive
  • The Shining Darkness

A dark-archetype of Winged Beasts used by Crow in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, known as "Black Feathers" in the Japanese version. Most of these monsters are somewhat humanoid and have either a tengu or bird-like appearance. (Compare to other humanoid Winged-Beasts to a greater or lesser effect) All Blackwing monsters feature black in their design, usually on their wing feathering. Most are named after types of wind and air currents. They are currently a meta deck with swarming and speed capabilities. When Crimson Crisis was released, this Archetype was very unsupported - only 5 cards of Blackwing were released: Gale the Whirlwind, Sirocco the Dawn, Bora the Spear, Armor Master and "Raptor Wing Strike". Later on, with the release of Raging Battle and Ancient Prophecy the set grew into a highly swarming and powerful deck. The speed it gives with its swarming, along with its additional Synchro Summoning capabilities landed this deck a place on the Shonen Jump Circuit.

Blackwing monster can easily Synchro summon as they utilize special summoning effects to swarm your opponent, thus increasing the total level of monsters. Example: 'Shura the Blue Flame', level 4 1800 ATK 1200 DEF, have this card attack an opponents monster, discard 'Kalut the Moon Shadow' to increase his attack by 1400 points during the damage step until the end phase then since he destroyed a monster by battle special summon a Blackwing with 1500 ATK or less, a good choice would be 'Gale the Whirlwind' a level three tuner. You can then synchro summon a level seven Synchro Monster, a suggested card is 'Blackwing Armor Master' ATK 2500 DEF 1500, can't be destroyed by battle, no damage inflicted by battles involving that card. Attack a monster if it still stands place a 'Wedge Counter' on it, remove that Counter to make that monster's ATK and DEF 0.
    Main Article: Yu-Gi-Oh! Archetype Cards; Archfiends