Yu-Gi-Oh! General Rules

The Game begin with each player choosing deck card containing 40 to 60 cards and a number of life points (official rules designate 8000). A turn-based duel ensues in which players use cards representing Monsters, Spells (previously known as Magic), and Traps card to combat their opponents. Each players can only summon one monster each turn (except for special summon), in either face up Attack or face down Defense position, and each Attack Position monster can attack once per turn unless there is an effect that designates otherwise. By successfully attacking and destroying the opponent's monsters, players can deal damage to the opponent's life points unless the monster attacked is in defense mode.

Player will win if:
  • The opponent’s life points are reduced to 0.
  • The opponent is unable to draw a card from their deck during their Draw Phase or by a card effect because the deck is empty.
  • Some card effects allow a player to win a duel instantly the most famous of which is known as Exodia.
  • The player surrenders by placing his/her hand on top of their deck.
There are few difference between Yu-Gi-Oh! official trading card game and in the anime:
  • In anime player life points is only 4000.
  • The deck cards limited only 40.
Main Article:Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie